Baldur to Heimdall

Moving your node from Baldur to Heimdall testnets

If you were running a validator node on the Baldur testnet, and need to move it to the new heimdall testnet, follow the steps below;

In the odin-testnet-public-tools/ folder, update your repo by running

git pull

Start the node with the atart script. It will download the new docker image, start it, and even sets up port forwarding rules on the host for you.

cd node && ./

Verify the node is running. This command, and the next one, assume you have already set the odin alias.

odin status

Import your wallet and set the keyring password

odin keys add NAME_OF_YOUR_WALLET --recover  

You will nees to run a create validator transaction. Check to make sure your variables are still populated. If they are not, or are incorrext, update them now;

echo $ADDRESS && echo $MONIKER && echo $CHAIN  

Set your STAKE variable with your desired amount of loki.

export STAKE=10000000loki

Pass the variables on to your docker container;

docker exec -e STAKE=$STAKE -e ADDRESS=$ADDRESS -e MONIKER=$MONIKER -e CHAIN=$CHAIN -it node /bin/bash

Finally, you will run your create validator transaction;

bandd tx staking create-validator \
--amount $STAKE \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.01 \
--commission-max-rate 0.2 \
--commission-rate 0.1 \
--from $ADDRESS \
--min-self-delegation 1 \
--moniker $MONIKER \
--pubkey $(bandd tendermint show-validator) \
--chain-id $CHAIN \

You should now be able to see your node in odin web, or with query commands.

Last updated

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