Running an ODIN Node in the Cloud

You may prefer to employ a virtual private server (VPS) from one of the major cloud providers. VPSs offer a handful of possible benefits over a PC or SOHO server, such as reliability and scalability. If you opt to use a VPS, here is the recommended configuration:

  • 2 vCPUs

  • 4 GB memory

  • 20 GB storage space

  • Debian 10 (Buster)

After initializing the instance, there are a few basic steps to setting up Docker, which we've included here for convenience:

  1. Update the system. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

  2. Install prerequisite software. sudo apt install git docker docker-compose

  3. Enable the docker service within systemd. sudo systemctl enable docker.

  4. Add your user to the docker group. sudo usermod -aG docker $USER Make sure to log out and back in for this change to apply.

Once you've completed these steps, you are ready to get into the instructions below.

Last updated